Landsea Green Life

Landsea Green Life Service Company Limited (stock code: 1965) was established in 2005 and is a growing property management service provider well-established in the Yangtze River Delta that provides diversified types of property management services and value-added services.

According to CIA, the Company ranked the 22nd among the "2024 Top 100 Property Management Companies in the PRC (2024中國物業服務百強企業)" in terms of overall strength. Landsea Green Life Service is also an established property management service provider in providing property management services for green buildings. In terms of the GFA under management ratio of green buildings with an accreditation of two stars or above, the Company ranked the third among the Top 100 Property Management Companies in the PRC according to CIA. Based on the CIA Report, the Company ranked the sixth among the Top 100 Property Management Companies in the PRC in terms of the GFA under management of green buildings in 2022.

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Corporate Governance

The company’s Board has established audit, remuneration and nomination committees, to which they have delegated various responsibilities. The company’s audit, remuneration and nomination committees assist Board in discharging its duties and overseeing particular aspects of our activities.