Landsea Green Life

Landsea Green Life Service Company Limited (“Landsea Green Life” or “the company”) was established in 2005 and is a fast-growing full-life cycle green life service provider well-established in the Yangtze River Delta with a nationwide layout.

Landsea Green Life has been honored as "Top 100 Property Service Companies in the PRC", "Top 100 Property Management Companies in China by Service Quality ", "Leading Property Management Service Brand Enterprise in East China" and other honors for many consecutive years. The company ranked the 22nd among the “2024 Top 100 Property Management Companies in the PRC”. Landsea Green Life advocates continuous improvement of residential life experience through green operation of the community. In August 2020, Shanghai Landsea Hongqiao County (上海朗詩虹橋綠郡), a property managed by the company, became the first residential project in the globe to achieve the BREEAM In-Use V6 certification.

Relying on more than ten years of professional green community operation service experience and adhering to the service concept of "warm community", Landsea Green Life provides customer-oriented and diversified property management services to property owners and residents, value-added services to non-property owners and community value-added services. The company’s management portfolio includes residential properties, office buildings, rental apartments, industrial parks, healthcare facilities and branches of banks.

As of 30 June 2024, Landsea Green Life has entered 37 cities with a total of 196 managed properties, serving over 240,000 households. The company’s total GFA under management amounted to 29.90 million sq.m and total contracted GFA amounted to 35.84 million sq.m .

  • Registered Office

    Cricket Square
    Hutchins Drive
    PO Box 2681
    Grand Cayman
    KY1-1111, Cayman Islands

  • Headquarters and principal place of business in the PRC

    10F, 98 Jianye Road
    Qinhuai District
    Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

  • Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong

    Unit 407, 8 Queen's Road East,

    Wanchai, Hong Kong

    Company Secretary

  • Mr. LIU Chao (HKICPA)

    Authorised Representatives

  • Mr. WU Xu
  • Mr. LIU Chao

    Audit Committee

  • Mr. Alfred Shu Shum Lai (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Lu Mei
  • Ms. Katherine Rong Xin

    Remuneration Committee

  • Ms. Katherine Rong Xin (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Liu Yan
  • Mr. Alfred Shu Shum Lai

    Nomination Committee

  • Ms. Lu Mei (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Liu Yan
  • Ms. Katherine Rong Xin

    Hong Kong Share Registrar

  • Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited